Registration is now open!

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What are the benefits of the SRATS Virtual Congress?

Attend the event from the comfort of your home/office

No need to travel, make reservations, skip important activities. You just need to log in the Virtual Portal and everything's at you disposal.

Access all the content you missed, just by coming back

Enjoy of free unlimited access to the Online Virtual Portal. Access all the scientific content one month after the Event ended. That wasn't possible onsite, wasn't it? :-)

Meet all the exhibitors. They are fond of hearing from you.

Just because you're not in a Convention center it doesn't mean you can't meet with the industry, access all the Exhibitors' online Stands, materials and prospects and even have private meeting sessions with the industry representatives.

Ask questions, response polls

Didn't have the courage of publicly asking a question? Now's the time. Easier, faster,  place your question in the Q&A panel and the Faculty will address your question live.

Chat with other participants

Enjoy the online features to meet & chat with other participants. You just need to make yourself visible in the Virtual Portal.

Retrieve your 20 CME Credits Certificate

To collect all 20 CME Credits, make sure you check in all three days, full-time at the sessions you wish to attend. Not attending = not receiving CME Credits :-)

What are the participation fees?


Primary/Specialist MD
875 RON
Resident MD
500 RON


Primary/Specialist MD
1750 RON
Resident MD
1000 RON

1-Day Symposium

Specialty Symposium (Nurse, Radiology, PT)
100 RON 

Payment method

The registration fee can be paid exclusively online by card, after completing the Registration Form. After selecting your card type (Visa, Mastercard, Other) you will proceed to our Romanian Payment Gateway -